A mosaic of soils,
of terroirs

A mosaic of soils, of terroirs. The typical hilly landscape of Langhe. An immense variety of microclimates combined with different altitudes. These are the determining ingredients in defining the character of our wines. Terroir and the enhancement of single vineyard wines are at the heart of our production philosophy, along with constant pursuit of quality, respect for traditions, and the land.

Our vineyards root themselves in hills ranging from 250 to 500 meters in altitude and benefit from perfect south-facing exposure, extending on both eastern and western slopes – a characteristic that allows them to bask in the warm morning sun to the mild afternoon warmth.

Our owned vineyards rise in the municipality of La Morra, on the Serradenari hill, at 500 meters altitude, along a sunny southwest-facing slope with a marvelous amphitheater background, the Alps. According to the Municipal Map of September 30, 1880, drawn by Filippo Ravinale, a surveyor in La Morra, Serradenari is the highest point of the Barolo vineyards. n this extraordinary place, characterized by strong day-night temperature fluctuations and cooler temperatures compared to the average, the vine grows slowly, and the grapes have late ripening. Serradenari holds a particular symbolic value for us, as the cradle of our winery since 1974 – the year of its foundation.

On the other side of the hill, facing southeast, right on the border where the municipality of La Morra gives way to that of Barolo, lies the Fossati vineyard. This mention is indissolubly linked to the history of our winery: the first Barolo Docg Fossati Dosio came to light in 1986, even before this area was identified as MGA, a testament to the strong long-term vision and the desire to be pioneers – values that remain immutable and essential today as they were then.

Nebbiolo, Nebbiolo for Barolo, and more: since its foundation, the winery has valued the native varieties of Piedmontese tradition – from Barbera to Dolcetto to Arneis among whites – with a particular focus on some international grape varieties such as Riesling, Cabernet Franc, and Merlot.